LIHEAP Online Applications are Suspended Until Further Notice

Are you looking for a way to give back to the community, especially children? 

On Saturday, October 15th, we would love for you to join us as we beautify the campus of the historic Douglas Head Start preschool!
Saturday, October 15, 2022
9:00am – 12:00pm
A project of United Way’s Day of Caring
Beautification Project
Douglas Head Start
8445 64th Ave
Wabasso, FL 32970
Here are a few highlights about the project:
  • Painting murals on the buildings, sidewalk art, & gardening
  • We will be painting colorful, child-oriented, educational designs 
  • We will supply the materials
  • Water and snacks will be provided 
Beautifying the campus will help us bring the learning outdoors, light up the brains of kids and teachers, and inspire more curiosity! Each school year, this location serves between 50-100 preschoolers ages 2-5.
We would love volunteers to help us on the day of the event!  All ages and levels of talent are welcome to participate.
You can join our team by clicking the button below and selecting “EOC & Head Start Team” under the connections section of the form.

All donations collected today will directly support our Father Engagement Initiative.