LIHEAP Online Applications are Suspended Until Further Notice

Financial Assistance Program for Qualified Atlantic Blvd Residents!

Do you have an old septic tank? Would you like to get rid of your septic tank and connect to the City’s STEP Sewer System?

We have partnered with the Clean Water Coalition and Indian River Land Trust to help relieve some of the financial burden homeowners may incur to convert to the City’s STEP Sewer System.

How will I benefit from this program?

  • One-time opportunity to connect to sewer at very low cost.
  • Savings of up to $11,000 to connect to City sewer using this new program available to a limited number of homeowners. Homeowners cost of about $5,500 is repaid by an interest free loan from the City paid back over 10 years at zero % interest rate.
  • Homeowners pay a monthly sewer charge on their utility bill based on water consumption. Usually about $30-$40.
  • No more paying for pump outs.
  • No more paying for maintenance. The City of Vero Beach takes responsibility for maintaining the tank, equipment, and connection to the sewer line. There is a 24-hour “hotline” to call for any problems. The connection between the home and the tank remains the homeowner’s responsibility.
  • Property value increases.
  • You are helping to clean up the pollution of the Indian River Lagoon

What happens if I don’t connect?

  • A septic tank pump out, and inspection is required at homeowner’s expense every 5 years. A failed tank is not allowed to be repaired but MUST be replaced and connected to the City sewer. About 20% of inspected tanks fail. The cost is usually between $16,000 and $17,000.
  • If your septic system has a problem, you can no longer get a permit to repair – you must connect.
  • If your system fails the inspection, or fails for any other reason – you MUST connect.
  • New state law requires mandatory connection before July 1, 2030

Our Partners

For more information, please complete the information below and someone with contact you

All donations collected today will directly support our Father Engagement Initiative.