LIHEAP Online Applications are Suspended Until Further Notice

Adopt-A-Class a Big Sucess

We would like to express our deepest appreciation to the following individuals, businesses, and clubs who participated in our Head Start Adopt-A-Class Program for Christmas. Their caring and generosity made it possible for each child to receive a special gift:

Anna Luke
Gould Cooksey Fennell PA
Indian River Insurance Agency
Jacqueline Jacobs
Jonathan Luke
Mark Odom Construction
Pat’s Floral Design & Gifts
Peggy Jones
Rotary Club of Sebastian
Sam’s Club Employees
TBM Services
Technology Partners
The Chesnutt Law Firm
Vero Chemical
Vista Gardens Social Committee

Share your love of READING!

Our annual Community Reads Week begins October 21, 2023 through October 25, 2024. Volunteers are encouraged to sign up early. A little of your time, can truly brighten their day while developing a love for reading.